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Grant Interaction Flow

Sequence Diagram


If the AS deems interaction necessary to issue a grant, there are five main endpoints that are used once a pending grant has been created. The endpoints, in order of their calling, are as follows:

  • GET /interact/:id/:nonce (made by the client to the AS, establishes an interaction session, redirects browser session to IDP consent screen)
  • GET /grant/:id/:nonce (made by the IDP to the AS, secured with x-idp-secret header, returns grant info for the consent screen to enumerate )
  • POST /grant/:id/:nonce/(accept OR reject) (made by the IDP to the AS, secured with x-idp-secret header, accepts or rejects the grant based on the user’s input on the consent screen. IDP then redirects to GET /interact/:id/:nonce/finish)
  • GET /interact/:id/:nonce/finish (ends the interaction established by GET /interact/:id/:nonce, redirects browser session to client callback. Contains a query param that either indicates a failure, or on success, a hash parameter that the client can use to verify the successful interaction, and the interact_ref that identifies the interaction on the AS.)
    • Examples include: - ?result=grant_rejected (if interaction was rejected) - ?result=grant_invalid (if grant is not in a state where it may be accepted or rejected, e.g. already approved) - ?hash=p28jsq0Y2KK3WS__a42tavNC64ldGTBroywsWxT4md_jZQ1R\HZT8BOWYHcLmObM7XHPAdJzTZMtKBsaraJ64A &interact_ref=4IFWWIKYBC2PQ6U56NL1 (if interaction was accepted) - hash is a sha-256 hash of values provided by the client in the body of the grant initialization request (interact.finish.nonce), values returned in the AS response for that request (interact.finish), the interact_ref provided alongside the hash, and the uri of the grant initialization request (
  • POST /continue/:id (this should still be accurate, final back-channel request made by client if interaction was successful, AS responds with an access token)

On x-idp-secret

x-idp-secret is the name of a header that is used for GET /grant/:id/:nonce, POST /grant/:id/:nonce/accept, and POST /grant/:id/:nonce/reject requests. Its purpose is to secure communications between the IDP and the AS and its value should be a shared secret known to both entities.

To set this up, set the IDENTITY_SERVER_SECRET on the AS environment to a value that is also used to configure the IDP’s requests to the AS.